The Regence Group is a Blue Cross and Blue Shield Multi-state coverage plan with a diverse population in the Pacific Northwest. Though this clent's constituency is spread out over a wide geo-demography, paramount goals were shared throughout the user community - ease of use, and access to robust and secure information regarding patient's specific plans.

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These design goals were visually accomplished for Regence through the development of a graphic interface which incorporates color and cookie-trail cues, clearly defining a user's place within the heirarchy of the site. Special care was taken to ensure that no page in the site is ever more than two clicks away from the user's current location, without comprimise to the quality or depth of information offered.

Because Regence's client base is spread out over such a wide physical area, the visual design incorporates images of the Northwest. This gives each 'mini-site' serving the four states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah it's own local flavor, while maintaining a cohesive and strong brand identity .

Responsibilities on this project included: