Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia is the site that I cut my professional teeth on. During the initial design phase, I was brought on to the iHM team to be responsible for graphics production and propegation for Georgia. As the scope of the project grew, so did my skill set, as well as my list of responsibilities.

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Because BCBSGA desired such a graphic-rich user interface, special care and attention was taken in early 1998 to be ahead of the knowledge curve for streamlining and condensing delivery of all files. Presented to a wide public audience during a period before familarity with navigational iconography was common, UI design requirements for this web site were realized by the clean, inspired look of Art Director Kelly Griffin.

Over a phase development process of years, This site grew to be highly functional, while continuing to maintian it's 'brochure-ware' friendly look and feel design, that is still live today.

Responsibilities on this project included: